The Menu as of Silverhaven Onlinev2.0
- Inventory
- Favorites
- Example Item < Use/Unequip/Equip* > < Unfavorite >
- Equipped
- Apparel
- Example Item < Unequip/Equip > < Favorite >
- Books
- Game Guide < Equip > < Favorite >
- Quest Book < Equip > < Favorite >
- Map of Silver Haven < Equip > < Favorite >
- Food
- Misc
- Party
- Create
- Invite
- Dissolve
- Friends
- Example Friend <Message> < Unfriend >
- Invite
- Players
- Self <Mute> <Deafen>
- Example Gamer Tag < Mute >
- Settings
- Volumes
- NPC Voice < 5 >
- PC Voice < 5 >
- MOB Voice < 5 >
- SFX < 5 >
- Music < 5 >
- Graphics
- Quality < High >
- Blood < On >
- Gamer Tags <On>
- Help
- Logout**
- Logout
- Pause
Unequip: Removes item from game and stores it in an inventory.
Despawns avatar and removes the player from the game, allowing them to remove their hardware.
Pause: Logs player out of the game, but force persists the avatar in the game. Avatar persists for only twenty minutes before despawning. Outside of safe zones, logging out is unavailable, and pausing is indefinite. In pause mode, all damage dealt is effective at 25%.
In cases of disconnection, pause state is activated.
Despawns avatar and removes the player from the game, allowing them to remove their hardware.
Pause: Logs player out of the game, but force persists the avatar in the game. Avatar persists for only twenty minutes before despawning. Outside of safe zones, logging out is unavailable, and pausing is indefinite. In pause mode, all damage dealt is effective at 25%.
In cases of disconnection, pause state is activated.