A human skeleton wielding a rusty weapon and matching armour.
Light Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, and no armour
Ranger Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, decayed light armour, and a rusty shortsword.
Archer Bonewalker, wielding a rusty bow, and decayed light armour.
Heavy Bonewalker, wielding a rusty greatsword, and rusty heavy armour.
Light Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, and no armour
Ranger Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, decayed light armour, and a rusty shortsword.
Archer Bonewalker, wielding a rusty bow, and decayed light armour.
Heavy Bonewalker, wielding a rusty greatsword, and rusty heavy armour.
Agro on proximity.
A large arachnid with a scorpion's tail and a spider's body.
Poison Crawler, with poison touch
Elder Crawler, with boosted stats
Agro on detection.
A humanoid creature who sees by the sight of nearby prey.
Takes the form of its target, including stats and weapons.
Agro on sight.
A Canine creature the size of a large horse and covered in scales.
Alpha Malghoul, with boosted stats.
Agro on attack.
These are basic humanoid NPC's. They vary.
Like normal bats, just bigger.
Nazi Skeletons
There's really nothing to say here.
In The Next Update
The Bandits.These are basic humanoid NPC's. They vary.
Like normal bats, just bigger.
Nazi Skeletons
There's really nothing to say here.