Experience and Levels

Levels require a certain amount of Exp, once you have that amount, you automatically level up.
Lvl - Exp Requirement
001 - 100
002 - 200
003 - 400
004 - 800
005 - 1,600
006 - 3,200
007 - 6,400
008 - 12,800
009 - 25,600
010 - 51,200
011 - 102,400
012 - 204,800
013 - 409,600
014 - 819,200
015 - 1,638,400
016 - 3,276,800
017 - 6,553,600
018 - 13,107,200
019 - 26,214,400
020 - 52,428,800

The Family Update

Kids! Wives! Husbands! Family!
The creators at Takahashi Software, like many others, have seen the delights of familial elements.
However, we've decided to put our own little twist on the concept.

The marriage of two players.
This feature hasn't really been explored very much and is generally considered unpopular.
We believe, however, that this is due to the implementation.
Until now, marriage has been more of an aesthetic in gaming.
What we've put together is a functional relationship, with features far beyond what Friend status gives.
Not only can players access a shared inventory, they can boost each other's stats just by proximity.
The closer you are to your spouse, the more powerful you are.
We've also created a saving blow feature.
If your spouse is in the red, they need only call your name, and your stats will receive a large boost (level based), which you can use to get them out of trouble and to safety.
The features extend past the battlefield, however. Normally, the game must be played alone, and we grant you that many players prefer the solo experience, but this offers an option for the more socially dependant players.
The last and most powerful feature is this.
The lover's touch feature. If your spouse is in the red, you can share half your HP with them, a must for damage dealers.
More updates and patches to come, including NPC children and adjustments to related buffs.


Bandages can be crafted, bought, found as loot, or dropped by certain enemies.
When used, bandages provide 500 HP.


Basic Cloak
+5 Temperature

Cloak of Minor Speed
+5 Temperature
+2 Speed

Silverhaven Online Open for Beta Testing

Welcome to Silverhaven Online, a World Seed Game.
In this game, you'll meet many dangerous foes and friendly characters. 
You'll see beautiful cities, both old and new.
You'll explore caverns large and small. 
You'll find creatures familiar and beyond imagining. 
You're people have lived underground for many years, chased there by the inhospitable and wartorn surface.
The ultimate goal is to reach the surface, and start a colony there.

Lily Creech


HP 450/1000
Lvl - 4
Exp - 1308/1600
Col - 194


Game Guide
Player Journal
Pie - 75%
Bandages (1)


Bone Reaper (Fine Sword)
Cloak of Minor Speed
Basic Chestplate
Basic Boots



A human skeleton wielding a rusty weapon and matching armour.
Light Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, and no armour
Ranger Bonewalker, wielding a rusty dagger, decayed light armour, and a rusty shortsword.
Archer Bonewalker, wielding a rusty bow, and decayed light armour.
Heavy Bonewalker, wielding a rusty greatsword, and rusty heavy armour.
Agro on proximity.


A large arachnid with a scorpion's tail and a spider's body.
Poison Crawler, with poison touch 
Elder Crawler, with boosted stats
Agro on detection.


A humanoid creature who sees by the sight of nearby prey.
Takes the form of its target, including stats and weapons.
Agro on sight.


A Canine creature the size of a large horse and covered in scales.
Alpha Malghoul, with boosted stats.
Agro on attack.

In The Next Update

The Bandits.
These are basic humanoid NPC's. They vary.

Like normal bats, just bigger.

Nazi Skeletons
There's really nothing to say here.

Hikari Yuki


HP 567/1000
Lvl - 5
Exp - 2028/3200
Col - 127


Game Guide
Player Journal
Torch 59%
Human Bone
Pie - 75%
Iron mace (Rusty)
Heavy iron chestplate (Rusty)
Iron Scrap (Poor)


Basic Chestplate
Basic Boots
Iron sword (Rusty)